banner-zuid-koreaZuid-Korea is de 15e economie ter wereld, en is de 2e Nederlandse exportmarkt in Azië. Er is nu een Free Trade Agreement (FTA) tussen Zuid-Korea en de Europese Unie. Dit maakt de Koreaanse markt extra aantrekkelijk voor Nederlandse exporteurs.

Voor het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven zijn er vooral innovatieve (niche-)mogelijkheden. Het Koreaanse ministerie van Education, Science and Technology heeft als wetenschaps- en technologiebeleid het ‘577 Initiative’. Het doel is om in 2020 in de top 7 te staan van de grootste wetenschaps- en technologielanden.

In de volgende sectoren liggen kansen:

  • High Tech Systems: nanotechnologie, halfgeleiders, fotonica, ruimtevaart, defensietechnologie, automotive
  • Agro-Food, Tuinbouw en Uitgangsmaterialen
  • Energie: offshorewindenergie, energie uit water (blue growth)
  • Logistiek: scheepsbouw, havenmodernisering, luchthavens
  • Water: watermanagement, rampenbestrijding, drinkwater, waterkwaliteit, sanitatie, opleidingen
  • Creatieve sector: gaming, architectuur
  • Chemie: smart polymeric materials, procestechnologie, bio-based economy, nieuwe chemische innovaties


Heeft  u concrete plannen om internationaal zaken te doen en bent u op zoek naar een zakenpartner in Zuid-Korea? Kijk dan hieronder naar de beschrijvingen van 10 Zuid-Koreaanse ondernemingen die o.a. op zoek zijn naar samenwerkingspartners in Nederland.

South Korean manufacturer of probiotic cosmetics is looking for a distributor in EuropeBOKR20150805002
South Korean manufacturer of probiotic cosmetics is looking for a distributor in Europe. They manufacture various cosmetic products for men, women and children. Desired business partners are distributors in Europe who are active in the field of cosmetics/retail who can distribute it in European market. OEM and ODM are also available upon request.

A South Korean watch manufacturer seeks for distributors or agents in Europe. –  BOKR20160630002
A South Korean company has been specializing in watches, domestically made in Korea. They produce the high quality classic watches with new material and modern design since 1989. The company is looking for experienced distributors or agents in watch to expand the business into European market.

South Korean manufacturer of eco-friendly micro bubble showers seeks distributors or agents in EuropeBOKR20160705002
A South Korean company founded in 2004, is specialised in the manufacture of special micro-bubble showers and related products, which can be used for all types of sensitive skin. They are looking for agents and distributors in Europe, selling the the household electronics sectors, or to suppliers of bathroom fittings.

South Korean manufacturer of concrete pumps, trucks and cranes seeks agents/distributors  – BOKR20150615002
A South Korean manufacturer of concrete pumps, pump trucks, and boom stick cranes used in the construction industry is looking for agents and distributors in Europe. The desired partner is an agent or distributor with proven sales in such equipment used by construction businesses.

South Korean manufacturer of rear view cameras for automobiles seeks agents or distributors in Europe.BOKR20150615003
A South Korean manufacturer of rear view cameras for motor vehicles is looking for agents and distributors in Europe. Their product provides high-resolution full color images even at night which can be vital for safe parking. They have successfully supplied to major car manufacturers worldwide. The company is looking for agents and distributors who has experience in supplying parts (cameras) to the automotive sector in Europe.

South Korean manufacturer of household rubber gloves is looking for partners in EuropeBOKR20150615004
A South Korean company manufactures premium household rubber gloves with designs and features. Their patented product is sold in large department stores in Korea and they are in progress with exporting to Russia. The product material prevents eczema and smart phones can be used with the glove on. The company is looking for a large-scale distributor who deals with general goods for home & kitchen. Manufacturing and outsourcing agreement is possible.

South Korean manufacturer of mobile case and power-bank seeks distributor/agent in Europe.BOKR20160628012
A South Korean company specialized in smart phones case and power-bank has developed a phone case with cable-free charger. The company is looking for distributors and agents to expand their business into the Europe market.

South Korean manufacturer of smart phone accessories and mini bags seeks distributors or agents in EuropeBOKR20160628005
A South Korean company which was founded in 2009 has become specialized in developing smart phone accessories and pouches (mini bags) for smart phones. They are looking for distributor or agency agreements with European companies.

A South Korean manufacturer of mobile accessory is looking for partners for distribution service agreement.BOKR20160808001
A South Korean manufacturer has been specialized in mobile accessories such as ring grip, hook, and dock. They are currently looking forward to meet collaborate partner for distribution service agreement for long term.

South Korean cosmetic manufacturer seeks agents or distributors in EuropeBOKR20160628001
A South Korean company established in 1983, manufactures and develops a whole range of cosmetic products, particularly for hair care. The company is interested in commercial agency or distribution services agreements in Europe.

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Export ondersteuning

Nederlandse bedrijven verdienen hun geld voor een groot deel over de grens. Enterprise Europe Network Nederland, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland ( en het Ministerie van Economische Zaken  zetten zich daarom gezamenlijk actief in voor de belangen van Nederlandse bedrijven in Zuid-Korea.

Met diverse contactpunten in Zuid-Korea biedt Enterprise Europe Network een uitgebreid netwerk aan voor ondernemers.

Daarnaast heeft Nederland ook een uitgebreid netwerk in Zuid-Korea. Het Economisch Netwerk Zuid-Korea bestaat o.a. uit de Nederlandse ambassade, het IA Netwerk Zuid-Korea en de Landbouwraad. Via dit netwerk biedt ook het ministerie van Buitenlandse  Zaken haar diensten aan voor Nederlandse bedrijven in het buitenland.

Meer informatie

Bent u op zoek naar zakenpartners in Zuid-Korea of heeft u nog vragen? Neem dan contact op met Enterprise Europe Network Nederland. Bekijk ook voor informatie de RVO landpagina Zuid-Korea en RVO website zakenpartnerscan.



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