TR20220512019 – Fast food cooperation seeks a partner for the manufacturing of a plastic free sauce packaging

International fast food company seeks a sustainable packaging material that is biodegradable for their wide range of sauces (e.g. Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Sweet Chili). The company seeks for (development) partners that have expertise with innovative food grade packaging. Potential solutions needs to be scalable. They offer a commercial agreement with technical assistance for potential partners.

The company operates as an international fast food chain and has only over more than 250 restaurants in the Netherlands. As part of their portfolio they offer a wide range of sauces (e.g. Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Sweet Chili) in different cups and sachets.

In their effort to switch their packaging to paper materials and recycle as much as possible, they seek a sustainable solution for their cups and sachets. Their present cups and sachets are currently in scope for the single-use plastics (pre-packed food). The company would like to use a sustainable alternative for these plastics cups since plastic does not biodegrade.

The company wants to offer their sauces in a convenient (user friendly) and sustainable (no-plastics / aluminium) manner without compromising shelf-life and operations in a way that makes business sense (price point). The company is in need for a sustainable packaging material that is biodegradable. Potential packaging material (solutions) should contribute to achieving the following goals:

• Meet all food safety requirements
• Improved environmental impact
• Good user experience/acceptance
• Ideally can be made of a byproduct of the company (e.g. coffee grounds)

The company offers a commercial agreement with technical assistance for potential partners that can manufacture or supply sustainable/biodegradable packaging material for their sauces.

This technology request is part of a Dutch innovation challenge of an Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Stakeholder. The innovation challenge is published on an open innovation platform till 8-7-2022. If an organization does express interest in collaboration with this company before closing date, it will be guided through this open innovation platform and will be introduced to its moderator (EEN Stakeholder) and the company’s experts. Mind that posts on this platform are not confidential.

Next step is that the company will select the SMEs with whom they would like to cooperate in the development of the solution.

Process speed and efficiency are particularly significant. A potential sustainable packaging solution should meet the following criteria:

• Improved environmental impact;
• Good fit with operational processes;
• Good user experience/acceptance;
• Good quality attributes on shelf-life / preservation for various acidity & viscosity levels;
• Meet all EU food safety requirements;
• Economic viability;
• No polymers;
• A minimum viable product (MVP) would be considered a success.

Potential partners have a creative mindset with a sustainable and efficient production process and can offer:

• Packaging expertise
• Environmental modelling (LCA of MVP compared to current);
• System-thinking approach;
• Creative thinking;

The company seeks for (development) partners that have expertise with innovative food grade packaging. Potential solutions needs to be scalable. They have a large supplier network so their current supplier base can be leveraged here as well in case needed/preferred.

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