
A Dutch developer and manufacturer of furniture and interior solutions, based on innovative production technologies and circular materials and products, is looking for a European production partner

The company has developed an alternative for complex and wasteful upholstery processes. This production process is based on coating technologies, utilizes local waste material like leather, wood, cork, textiles and jeans to create circular and water-resistant furniture. The company is looking for international partners to implement this technology in their production facilities, to create sustainable products, production methods and services.

This company, with more than 40 years of experience in the furniture industry, aims at the goal to change the way furniture is produced: no more complex product compositions with a lot of different materials and wasteful production process.

Classic upholstery generates 35% – 45% of waste material, which is thrown away and not converted into revenue streams. This alternative to production and upholstery offered by the firm makes it possible to spray the upholstery. No cutting, no sewing and less waste. Easy to apply, easy to repair and suitable for new and existing products from the market.

Moreover the finishing is made from local waste materials like, but not limited to:
• leather;
• cork;
• textiles;
• jeans;
• concrete.

Since the mid 2010’s the company has developed the process, machinery and materials to put this into market in the Netherlands for furniture projects, bespoke objects and refurbishment of existing furniture. The furniture is suitable for indoor and outdoor use because of it’s waterproof properties and has a long product life. The market implementation of the concept has shown that it is technologically, economically and ecologically feasible to implement this technology into an existing mature market. International companies have already created solutions for their furniture by means of the technology presented by the firm. Furthermore, the firm is already active on the international market with several projects.

Advantages and Innovations:

Advantages are:

– Utilizing local waste materials;
– Relatively low investment needed;
– Less requirements for skilled, experienced and labour intensive (manual) workforce;
– Possibilities for robotic production processes;
– Implementation of multiple circular strategies, being: economical and ecological repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing and recycling;
– The technology provides lower procurement costs compared to the traditional upholstery methods;
– Smart and scalable production processes with shorter supply chains.

The company is looking to expand to other markets and collaborate with partners who want to implement the technology in their facilities and market, while utilizing their own waste streams or using waste streams for neighbouring industries. Company offers their technologies in the form of machinery, training, consulting and materials. Together with the partner they will search for and locally source the required waste materials.

The partner that the client is looking for should be ready to invest and implement the technology in its production facility. The partner sought should have a sustainable and circular strategy or ambition. The technology and production materials provided by client should be implemented in the existing or new business model. Client is looking for a long-term and sustainable relationship.

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