TRNL20220406035 – A Dutch chemical company is offering tailor-made catalyst and solutions for industries and companies

A Dutch company offers custom-made catalysts for sustainable processes involving hydrogen storage as well as carbon capture and utilisation. The company is looking for cooperation projects involving product-, process- and technology development and for commercial agreement with industries and companies. A research and development agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance is foreseen.


A Dutch technical, highly innovative company in the Netherlands and globally active in sustainable processes, produces tailor-made catalysts and services.
The company is specialised in the field of:
1. Synthesises catalysts for LOHC (Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers) applications.
2. The development of catalysts and nanostructures for CO2 capture and catalytic conversion of CO2 into green chemicals.

The company offers its technology and expertise in catalytic processes, such as:
1. Catalyst products tailor-made to the customer needs. The company develops catalysts for a certain application for clients if the conventional commercial ones are not performing or there are no option available on the market. Catalysts from grams size to large KG size can be delivered.
2. Computational services using DFT techniques (density functional techniques) to design and develop materials and catalysts. The company helps their partners to understand the reaction mechanism, develop new catalytic material or improve the existing ones.

The company would like to expand their activities abroad and welcomes collaboration with partners all over the world. The company participates in a variety of European project and can be recognized as a perfect partner/SME. The company is offering its technology and services to industries and companies.

The company’s expertise encompasses multi-scale catalysis where they combine practice with fundamentals. They use first-principles and DFT techniques in microscopic level to collect insight and to guide our developments in macroscopic scale.

LOHCs, are used as media for chemical storage of hydrogen. Since hydrogen is the lightest element in the universe, physical storage of hydrogen involves high pressures or cryogenic temperatures which are costly and have safety concerns. Therefore, chemical hydrogen storage on liquid media is very advantageous. This minimises the need for infrastructure change.

CO2 is a huge industrial waste and is regarded as “environment hazard”. CO2 can be captured directly from air or from industrial effluents and transformed into valuable chemicals. This way the company is able to produce chemicals and reagents via green and sustainable chemical routes. The company’s catalysts are application-specific and selective to the desired end-product.

Partners in the field and specific need of service regarding
1. Synthesises catalysts for LOHC (Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers) applications.
2. The development of catalysts and nanostructures for CO2 capture and catalytic conversion of CO2 into green chemicals.

Expected role of partner sought:

The partner is open for collaborate and/or would like to perform activities regarding custom-made catalysts for sustainable processes involving hydrogen storage as well as carbon capture and utilisation.

For more information you can contact:

Twjan Tan –

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