
Taiwan is in omvang te vergelijken met Nederland en wil van een maakindustrie overgaan naar een industrie gedreven door leiderschap in technologie en toegevoegde waarde. Dit biedt veel kansen voor internationale samenwerking op het gebied van wetenschap en technologie en R&D.

Voor het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven zijn er vooral innovatieve (niche-) mogelijkheden in verschillende sectoren:

  • Biotechnologie
  • Toerisme
  • Groene energie
  • Gezondheidszorg
  • ‘High-end agriculture’
  • Cultuur
  • Creatieve industrie

Taiwanezen staan open voor buitenlandse levensmiddelen. Ze schenken veel aandacht aan de productkwaliteit en de verpakking. Daarnaast letten ze ook goed op de prijs. Ook Nederlandse producten en technologie genieten een goede reputatie bij de Taiwanezen.


Heeft  u concrete plannen om internationaal zaken te doen en bent u op zoek naar een zakenpartner in Taiwan? Kijk dan hieronder naar de beschrijvingen van 5 Taiwanese ondernemingen die o.a. op zoek zijn naar samenwerkingspartners in Nederland.

A Taiwanese manufacturer of energy conservation panel is looking for distributors or agents BOTW20151231001
The Taiwanese company, which specializes in the design of energy storage products, is offering eco-friendly energy panels for paving on the road to convert gravitational energy to electricity. It is also suitable for paving on the entrance of train station, supermarket or school to collect the power by pedaling the panel. Partners from education sectors, such as school, college, university or government are welcome to discuss detail.
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Taiwanese company specialized in RFID technology – read/write sensing devices is looking for manufacturing agreement BOTW20160304001
This Taiwanese company is a top-brand company in information and communication technology (ICT) development, and also a world-class sensor technology provider. It’s now devoting to RFID application systems, including tag, reader, gateway and system and intelligent library. It provides practical solution in variety industries, such as electronics manufacturing, information communication, cultural education and libraries, leisure tourism, automobile electronics, and health care industries. Companies or establishments like commercial airline companies, immigration agencies, government institutions and libraries are welcome to inquire.
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Taiwanese supplier of video surveillance products seeks ICT partners BOTW20160315001
Taiwanese supplier has the skills to provide IP camera, network video recorder (NVR) and intelligent video server (IVS) software and hardware solutions. It offers solutions on surveillance and detection, tracking and recognizing movements of people and objects that are assessed and analyzed. It is open to distribution service agreement cooperation.

A Taiwanese robot designer and manufacturer that provides robots and robotic solutions is looking for sales agents and distributors BOTW20160205002
The Taiwanese company specializes in development and manufacture of high-end robots and key modules for use in the fields of education, security, industry, and automation. It has a team of experts with experience in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and robotic mechanisms, and has dedicated itself to design and creation of a series of robots which includes educational robots with programmable software, security robots with SDK, and industrial robots with SDK. The company plans to enter into a distribution or a commercial agency agreement.
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Taiwanese manufacturer of innovative life jackets seeks distributors based in Europe BOTW20151224001
A Taiwanese innovative life jackets manufacture is currently looking for distributors. The main feature of the product is to keep the user on a vertical position when in the water to avoid drowning. It also features a stern floating board which can withstand impact from wayward debris, thus protecting the user. The company has been exporting to Asia and Latin America and is now seeking distributors to market its innovative products in Europe.
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Naast onze profielen databank organiseren wij ook diverse evenementen om ondernemers persoonlijk met elkaar in contact te brengen.  Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van de aankomende  (Matchmaking) evenementen met Taiwan.

Taipei AMPA 2017
The 4-in-1 TAIPEI AMPA show, AutoTronics Taipei, Taiwan International Electric Vehicle Show and Taiwan International Motorcycle Industry Show has successfully attracted numerous established buyers over the years. Its quality presentations, services, and an assortment of products on display have drawn more buyers from 130 countries across the globe than ever before. One major advantage of the show is the ability of the Taiwanese exhibitors to provide flexible and customized order arrangements.

Periode: 19-22 april 2017

Computex Taipei 2017
Computex Taipei is Asia’s largest and world’s second largest ICT show. It serves as a prime sourcing hub for hi-tech and innovative products, and it continues to be the world’s leading platform for ICT procurement, new product launch and important technological development announcement. As ICT moves from traditional PCs to the Internet of Things, COMPUTEX is repositioning itself to maintain its position as a leading B2B show in the Asian-Pacific region alongside Taiwan’s complete ICT supplier chain.

Periode: 30 mei – 3 juni 2017

Food Taipei 2017
Taipei’s five big food shows, which trace the entire journey of foods from around the world, are simply unique. This annual fair serves as a grand gathering for Taiwanese and international buyers and suppliers to interact and do business. Starting with the basics: the staples and exotics, and following through with processing machines that churn, shake, blend and bake, then turning to packaging technology to seal, bag, and box goodies for the global market, it exudes splendour every step of the way.

This grand food expo is Taiwan’s exclusive platform for business, cultural and technical exchanges with an emphasis on various Asian tastes, food safety, healthy dining and foods of the future.

Periode: 21- 24 juni 2017

Export ondersteuning

Nederlandse bedrijven verdienen hun geld voor een groot deel over de grens. Enterprise Europe Network Nederland (EEN), Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland ( en het Ministerie van Economische Zaken  zetten zich daarom gezamenlijk actief in voor de belangen van Nederlandse bedrijven in Taiwan.

Met diverse contactpunten in Taiwan biedt Enterprise Europe Network een uitgebreid netwerk aan voor ondernemers.

Daarnaast heeft Nederland ook een uitgebreid netwerk in Taiwan. Het Economisch Netwerk Taiwan bestaat o.a. uit Netherlands Trade & Investment Office (NTIO) Taiwan en het IA Netwerk Taiwan. Via dit netwerk, biedt ook het ministerie van Buitenlandse  Zaken haar diensten aan voor Nederlandse bedrijven in het buitenland.

Meer informatie

Bent u op zoek naar zakenpartners in Taiwan of heeft u nog vragen? Neem dan contact op met Enterprise Europe Network Nederland, de NTIO in Taiwan of de Taiwanese EEN partner TAITRA in Rotterdam. Bekijk ook voor informatie de RVO landpagina Taiwan en RVO website zakenpartnerscan.





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