SME Connect is the helpdesk of The Hague Security Delta for SMEs and entrepreneurs from the security sector looking to grow their businesses or seeking opportunities for innovation.

In this sector, growth mainly arises from continuous innovation and through entrance into new (international) markets. Consequently, collaboration between businesses, governments and knowledge institutions becomes ever more essential.

SME Connect can help you achieve your ambitions through the following services:

  • Networking and matchmaking
  • Guidance and advice on innovation
  • Technological and process-oriented knowledge
  • Information about programmes, rules and regulations
  • Information about financing and insurance
  • Information about establishing/relocating a business
  • Information about doing business (internationally)

What is SME Connect?
SME Connect is the ‘Point of Contact’ for the innovative SME and is manned by professionals from Chamber of Commerce. The consultants have a good insight into the security sector, the local business environment and the (financial) regulations on European, regional as well as local level. These professionals are ready to help you!

Who is SME Connect for?
Youu, as an entrepreneur, can contact SME Connect if you are (or will be) innovating in technologies and solutions for the complex security questions in the domains of national or urban security, protection of critical infrastructures, cyber security and forensic research.

How does it work?
Are you in need of advice, help or information? Or do you want to know more about The Hague Security Delta? Let’s talk! Please contact us via + 31 (0)88 585 22 05 or to set up an appointment. Booking your appointment is easy, quick and free of charge!

More info you can find on



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