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TRNL20220601011 – A Dutch healthcare organisation is looking for technologies and solutions to make elderly wheelchair users totally independent in their toilet visit.
Short summary A Dutch healthcare organisation is looking for new ideas, solutions, and technologies to
BRNL20220602004 – Dutch producer of soil investigation equipment and instruments is looking for partners to expand its production capacity by outsourcing, Joint venture or (partial) takeover
Short summary The company from the Netherlands is a developer, manufacturer and supplier of equipment

BRNL20220602014 – Dutch producer of electrical transporter vehicles is looking for potential outsourcing partners or joint venture or take over candidates
Short summary The Dutch organisation is the producer of a collection of electrical transportation vehicles
TRNL20220601014 – Generation of renewable energy on building, head office of dutch corporate bank
Short summary A corporate dutch company is committed to increase its share of self-generated renewable

The WINning days
The Water Innovation Networking Days – webinar op 14 juni 2022 en 2 weken B2B
TRNL20220406035 – A Dutch chemical company is offering tailor-made catalyst and solutions for industries and companies
Short summary A Dutch company offers custom-made catalysts for sustainable processes involving hydrogen storage as

€ 1.6 million open call for web 3.0 innovators to develop blockchain-related solutions
The EU-funded project ONTOCHAIN is calling all Web 3.0 innovators to apply for its third
BONL20220525014 – Dutch company is looking for a distributor / reseller in the region of North Africa with focus on Egypt
BONL2022052501 – A Dutch company is looking for a distributor / reseller in the region
TONL20220513017 – X-ray based innovative screening technology to precisely identify unknown materials behind thick barriers for security and or quality control
TONL20220513017 – X-ray based innovative screening technology to precisely identify unknown materials behind thick barriers
TRNL20220512019 – Fast food cooperation seeks a partner for the manufacturing of a plastic free sauce packaging
TR20220512019 – Fast food cooperation seeks a partner for the manufacturing of a plastic free
TRNL20220504008 – Dutch supplier of vending machines is looking for sustainable packaging for coffee and tea
TR20220504008 – Dutch supplier of vending machines is looking for sustainable packaging for coffee and tea
TONL20220421030 – Carbon neutral, autonomous, marine drone to protect, clean and monitor waters offered for distribution
TONL20220421030 – Carbon neutral, autonomous, marine drone to protect, clean and monitor waters offered for distribution