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Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) – Update
Eerder berichtten wij u al over wijzigingen in de BAR Bedrijfslevenregeling. Op 16 januari 2023
TRNL20220926005 – Dutch social housing corporation is looking for solutions to reduce heatloss in façade openings as efficiently as possible.
Short summary A Dutch social housing corporation is looking for partner who can offer solutions
TRNL20221003006 – Natural cooling solutions sought for homes to be sustainably renovated
Short summary A Dutch housing corporation, with more than 4000 social rental homes, is looking
De Blauwe Gids van 2022 geeft helder inzicht in de wettelijke producteisen in de EU/EER
De Blauwe Gids van 2022 geeft helder inzicht in de wettelijke producteisen in de EU/EER
Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR)
Ben je als ondernemer zakelijk geraakt door het vertrek van het Verenigd Koninkrijk (VK) uit
TRNL20220704001 – Dutch company in the flower industry is looking for fully recycled and recyclable packaging
Short summary The company is turning the flower industry on its head – for the
BRNL20220624005 – Dutch company in the marine industry is looking for manufacturing partners for wooden furniture and accessories.
Short summary For a majority of their existing product range – wooden accessories and furniture
Get Digital: Go Green and be Resilient
Promoot uw digitale oplossing op Europees niveau en ontvang ondersteuning om uw bedrijf op te
TRNL20220601016 – A Dutch government agency and part of a consortium launched a market consultation for a solution to the rapid detection and identification of drugs in prisons.
Short summary A Dutch government agency and part of a consortium of 4 governmental agencies
TRNL20220601011 – A Dutch healthcare organisation is looking for technologies and solutions to make elderly wheelchair users totally independent in their toilet visit.
Short summary A Dutch healthcare organisation is looking for new ideas, solutions, and technologies to
BRNL20220602004 – Dutch producer of soil investigation equipment and instruments is looking for partners to expand its production capacity by outsourcing, Joint venture or (partial) takeover
Short summary The company from the Netherlands is a developer, manufacturer and supplier of equipment