
Bent u actief in de zuivelindustrie en opzoek naar potentiële zakenpartners in Brazilië? Dan brengen OostNV, NOM en het Enterprise Europe Network u graag in contact. Van 1 t/m 5 september komt een Braziliaanse missie van zuivelbedrijven en –organisaties naar Nederland. De delegatie bestaat uit een groep van MKB bedrijven, een aantal instituten en een branche organisatie.

Doel van de missie

– Kennis opdoen van nieuwe technologie m.n. om efficiëntie en productiviteit te verhogen (m.b.t. diverse zuivelproducten, kaas, boter, yoghurt e.d.);
– Marktkansen & trends inventariseren;
– Contacten leggen voor technologische en commerciële samenwerking;
– Inzicht verkrijgen hoe de Nederlandse industrie is georganiseerd.

Op het programma staan bezoeken aan bedrijven, onderzoeksinstellingen en branche organisaties. Op dinsdag 2 september wordt Food Valley en op vrijdag 5 september the Dutch Dairy Centre bezocht.

De Braziliaanse delegatie en hun interesses

1. Laticínio Marianna Ltda.

Producer of yoghurt and fresh cheese.

Looking for technology/know how
Valorisation of by streams;
Innovative technologies for waste management;
Trends in formulation and yoghurt production;
New technologies for the production of fresh cheese.

2. Taquipe Agropecuária Ltda/LEITE DENGE

Dairy cattle, producer of pasteurised milk

Looking for technology/know how
Exploring new possibilities for high value added products and related technologies/equipment.

3. Valpanda Produtos Lácteos

Manufacturer of dairy products (pasteurised milk, yoghurt, butter and cheese)

Looking for technology/know how
Exploring product ideas and technologies/equipment; Joint development of a product or process.

4. Queijos Finos

Milk producer and dairy manufacturer (mainly chees; fine artisan hard and semi-hard cheese) and commercialisation of gourmet goods.

Looking for technology/know how
High cattle genetics for milk production; Industrial equipment for production of milk products, especially fine artisan hard and semi-hard cheese.

5. Campanella Alimentos Ltda.

Milk processing and dairy products (cheese, butter, yogurt, pasteurized milk, condensed milk)

Looking for technology/know how
Technology/equipment, especially for the standardisation of milk.

6. Antonio Carlos Dantas Siqueira – Veterinary Consultant

Consulting services for cattle and milk production

Looking for technology/know how
New technology/equipment for dairy products, especially that increases efficiency and productivity.

7. Sindileite

Sector organisation for the milk and dairy producers in the State of Bahia. Amongst others to support farmers and dairy producers with technical assistance and technology transfer to improve productivity and quality.

Looking for technology/know how
Market trends and new technological developments.
Institutional cooperation on cattle and dairy production.

8. CIN/FIEB – Centro Internacional de Negócios

International business centre of the federation of industries for the State of Bahia. Promote the Bahian industry in the international markets.

Looking for technology/know how
Institutional cooperation for joint projects on cattle and dairy production.

Meer informatie?

Mocht u graag de Braziliaanse delegatie willen ontmoeten op een van deze dagen neem dan contact op met Robert Dijkstra:
T. 088-602 53 69

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