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Are you a solution provider or researcher in law enforcement technologies? We inivite you to apply and contribute to I-LEAD Industry & Research Days

06/09/2022 - 08/09/2022

Are you a solution provider or researcher for one of these crime areas? We encourage you to apply and contribute to the event! 

The i-LEAD (Innovation – Law Enforcement Agencies’ Dialogue) project aims to identify the needs and priorities of police forces to make recommendations on relevant resources that can satisfy those needs and enhance their work capabilities. The Industry & Research Days, organised together with Europol, ENLETS, the European Clearing Board and Security Delta (HSD), create an environment conducive for discussions about innovative technology solutions to assist with the known needs and gaps identified during the practitioner workshops. For a detailed overview of the different themes and topics, read the outcomes gathered from a series of Practitioner Workshops.

Many of the technological areas could help support law enforcement in more than one of the selected security themes, with a clear overlap between them. Moreover, due to the demand to innovative solutions, technologies that offer wide coverage and that can integrate with existing systems are very attractive. 

How to apply?

If you are a technology provider or researcher and would like to apply to present during this event – please complete the application. Based on the proposals received, a programme will be selected that is deemed most relevant for attendees and adheres to the needs and technology areas.

The deadline for companies to submit applications and introductory videos of their tools and services is the 23rd of July. Make sure to apply by then!

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