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Green and Low-Carbon Technologies Korea 2025 | Deadline for application: 21 February 2025

9 June - 13 June

Thanks to Green and Low-Carbon Technologies Korea 2025, 50 European SMEs including start-ups will visit the Republic of Korea and kick-start their internationalisation path in the Green and Low-Carbon Technologies sector.

This business mission presents a unique opportunity for EU SMEs to establish valuable contacts, showcase their solutions, build long-lasting relationships with Korean enterprises and explore new business avenues together. The EU Business Hub provides market insights, matchmaking services, financial and tailored support to companies.
Target audience

European SMEs including start-ups and South Korean enterprises involved in the Green and Low-Carbon Technologies sector, such as: Clean energy technologies, Energy systems, Environmental monitoring analysis and assessment equipment, Circularity, Environmental and climate change mitigation technologies/solutions.

South Korean Business Operators, notably buyers, distributors and R&D partners in public and private sectors, and investors.

Timeline of the Business Mission

Deadline for application

21 Feb. 2025

Communication of results

Late March

Online pre-departure briefing

14 Apr. 2025

Green and Low-Carbon Technologies Korea 2025

9 – 13 June 2025


Overview of the business mission

The business mission to Seoul will last five days in total, including three days of dedicated business matchmaking and networking; a visit to ENVEX for networking opportunities, and a study tour.

The business mission agenda is as follows:

  • Day 1: Arrival in Seoul, welcome & networking gathering.
  • Day 2: Industry intelligence, sector briefs and study tour.
  • Day 3: Business matchmaking sessions and networking event at the Business Exhibition.
  • Day 4: Business matchmaking sessions and networking event at the Business Exhibition including visit and networking in ENVEX.
  • Day 5: Business matchmaking sessions and networking event at the Business Exhibition.

Services/benefits the EU participants will be receiving

  • Business matchmaking resulting in pre-arranged in-person meetings with carefully selected South Korean enterprises.
  • Market intelligence information including sectoral briefings providing insights on market structure and opportunities.
  • Cultural and linguistic support such as briefings on doing business in Korea, and support for interpretation and translation.
  • Financial support up to €1000 to benefit from a menu of additional customised services co-funded by the project (e.g. translation, printing, legal advice).
  • Hotel accommodation (Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas) for four nights – in total, up to €1000 for accommodation is covered by the programme.
  • Coverage of the visitor fee for ENVEX.

Key market insights

Participating to Green and Low-Carbon Technologies Korea 2025 represents a unique opportunity for European SMEs because:

  • The Republic of Korea is Asia’s 4th and the World’s 13th economy1.
  • EU exports to the Republic of Korea in 2022 amounted to €60.1 billion in goods and €19.6 billion in service2.
  • The South Korean government announced its National Framework Plan for Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth in March 2023. The plan defined the nation’s power generation and GHG reduction targets by 2050. It also sets sector-specific reduction targets of approximately 40% less than 2018 levels3.
  • Public and private sectors plan to jointly explore markets in line with the government’s green industry export strategy and will establish a €268.8 million green export fund until 2028 to support promising projects4.
  • The South Korean government aims to achieve €10.08 billion in green industry exports by the first half of 2024 and plans to reach a total of €67.18 billion by 20275.
  • In 2024, the South Korean government released the world’s first auction for clean hydrogen power generation, positioning the country as a leader in the global shift toward a sustainable and clean energy transition6.


Dutch companies can also contact the EEN Netherlands contactpoint for more information.



  1. Source: Trade Fact File 2024 EU-Korea Trade and Investment Relations, European Union. (Internal document)
    2. Source: Trade Fact File 2024 EU-Korea Trade and Investment Relations, European Union. (Internal document)
    3. Source: 1st Master Plan for Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth, 2050 Carbon Neutrality of the Republic of Korea
    4. Source: Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea(Amount converted to Euro)
    5. Source: Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea(Amount converted to Euro)
    6. Source: “South Korea launches world’s first auction for clean hydrogen power generation”, Hydrogen insights


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13 June
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