MKB bedrijven die technologie voor nieuwe producten, processen of diensten ontwikkelen en daarbij samenwerken met partners in andere landen kunnen gebruikmaken van Eurostars. Met Eurostars stimuleren het ministerie van Economische Zaken en de Europese Commissie het onderzoekuitvoerende mkb om marktgerichte technologische ontwikkeling uit te voeren. Het doel is snellere ontwikkeling en groei van kleine bedrijven.

De eerstvolgende deadline voor indienen voor de Eurostars subsidie is 15 september 2016. U heeft dus nog maar kort de tijd om zelf een aanvraag te schrijven of te reageren op een verzoek van één van de onderstaande partijen die nog een partner zoeken om hun aanvraag compleet te maken.

Meer informatie over Eurostars vindt u op de RVO website of hoort u op het Eurostars Najaarsevenement op 12 oktober in Amsterdam . Daar kunt u ook spreken met (internationale) bedrijven die Eurostars projecten willen opzetten.


EUROSTAR project – A Czech high-tech SME is looking for a partner for a project aimed at developing intelligent robotic arm with integrated vision system

A Czech high-tech company with 10 years experience in computer vision and intelligent systems field has an ambition to develop dexterous manipulation system e.g. intelligent robotic arm with integrated vision system allowing picking various unsorted material from the box. The company is preparing a project for Eurostars programme (deadline on 15/09/2016) and is looking for industrial partner – robot manufacturer. Reference and more info: RDCZ20160622001

EUROSTARS Project: Development of an ultrasonic system for the prevention of biofouling in membrane bioreactors

A Spanish SME specialized in the development and maintenance of water and wastewater systems is looking for partners for a Eurostars proposal. The objective is the development of an automated system based on ultrasound for the prevention of biofouling in membrane water treatment (MBR -membrane bioreactor-) facilities. The SME is looking for a technology based SME specialized in the development of ultrasound cleaning systems. Reference and more info: RDES20160601001

EUROSTARS Project: Microbial safety of cosmetics through innovative method based on High Hydrostatic Pressure processes.

A French SME develops an innovative method based on a new approach of High Hydrostatic Pressure (HHP) to guarantee the microbial safety of cosmetics. The purpose is to set up products with the lowest concentration of preservatives, even without any of the latters. For a EUROSTARS project, the SME is looking for industrial partners which have the technological capacity for putting this novel process to the test in order to permit altogether a quick launching of these innovative cosmetics. Reference and more info: RDFR20160624001

Eurostars project: GPSA (Guard Protection Situation Awareness) – ICT partners sought with experience in the security sector

A consortium coordinated by a Spanish SME is looking for additional ICT partners with experience in the security sector in order to submit the Eurostarts project GPSA (Guard Protection Situation Awareness) The objective is the development a security management solution that, will integrate “real time” scenario information with an “intelligent” security dispatching system. The role of the partner sought is related to subsystem R&D and system integration, testing and validation. Reference and more info: RDES20160714001

Eurostars: partner sought for development of new biological solution for plant production

A French company specialised in the development of biological solutions for plant production is preparing a project proposal for the next Eurostars call. The project aimed to develop a new biological product based on mycorrhizal fungi and Deleterious Rhizobacteria (DRB). They are looking for SMEs, R&D institution and university with an expertise in deleterious rhizobacteria for a research cooperation agreement. Reference and more info: RDFR20160530001

Reducing non-linear distortion in loudspeakers

A German R&D performing SME is preparing a European joint R&D proposal under the Eurostars program. The project is about creating an active loudspeaker that can compensate the nonlinear distortions in real-time. They are looking for one or two partners from SMEs that have expertise in producing loudspeakers and/or movement sensors. The proposal should be submitted by the end of August 2016 for the EUREKA EUROSTARS deadline (15 September 2016). Reference and more info:  RDDE20160608001

Eureka-Eurostars: manufacturer needed for tumor DNA detection kits

A Spanish consortium is looking for a partner in order to submit a proposal for the Eurostars programme. The main goal of this project is to develop a cheap, fast and user-friendly tumor DNA detection kit. A development and manufacturing company dedicated to the production of high quality plastic products for designing and packaging the kit is needed. Reference and more info:  RDES20160725001

EUROSTARS Project: Mobile solutions to connect workers with their direct/remote environment

A French SME works in the connection of any construction site with its workers, in the efficient collection of data via sensors/connected objects and makes the data available in a back-office. The SME is seeking industrial partners, willing to develop and to deploy digital solutions in construction and maintenance sites, as well as for industrial partners disposed to design innovative connected objects with sensing capabilities dedicated to construction sites, for a EUROSTARS proposal. Reference and more info:  RDFR20160603001

Eurostars2: Corner grooved semi-permanent timing belt

A Korean research institute is specialized in material and fusion process technology seeks a partner for Eurostars 2 project. The project is aimed at developing a corner grooved semi-permanent timing belt. Reference and more info:  RDKR20160706002

EUROSTARS – SME photonics partner sought

A Scottish fuel cell manufacturing company (SME) active in the power generation sector has developed a highly innovative and efficient solution to be embedded in proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. An important novel feature of the system to be developed under a Eurostars project is the ability to integrate a light source into the core of the cell structure. An experienced SME partner is sought to assist in the research, design, build and test of novel optical waveguide systems. Reference and more info:  RDUK20160610001

Eurostars 2: Development of a modular energy and communication autonomous sensor platform to empower the internet of things – Industrial partners are sought

A German university spin-off, specialized in autonomous energy solutions, is seeking industrial partners for a Eurostars 2 project. An online energy and communication autonomous sensor platform is to be developed that will enable users to choose relevant sensors and then collect data via

internet for >10 years at ultra-low installation costs. Potential users, e.g. from heating, ventilation, smart building or infrastructure and a data management company are sought for research agreements. Reference and more info:  RDDE20160728001

Eurostars: partners sought to develop the next generation biomaterials for the prevention of infections within the healthcare sector

A UK SME is developing a Eurostars bid to develop polymer materials that disrupt or/and destroy bacteria. This is achieved through the photo initiation of a novel biopolymer to reduce the likelihood of a blockage in urinary catheters and so reduce the rates of infection in the patient. This UK SME is looking for technology based SME’s and research organisations specialised in modelling biopolymers and microbiology testing via research cooperation agreement. Reference and more info:  RDUK20160617001

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