We have just launched our new webinar series Embracing Global Markets on EEN’s public website:


The page includes an annual planning for all upcoming webinars. And further webinars are likely to be added in the course of the year.

The page for the 1st webinar on doing business in the US is online as well:


What is this webinar series all about?

The webinar series provides crucial market intelligence and information on regulatory requirements helping companies expand in fast growing markets in Asia, Africa and the Americas. The webinars are hosted by experts of various European Commission services and the Enterprise Europe Network, as the world’s largest business service provider.

Who should attend the webinars?

European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), start-ups (ready to scale internationally), European clusters and cluster managers, business advisers of the Enterprise Europe Network and other European business support organisations, stakeholders of the ‘Friends of EEN’ initiative.

In addition to offering a unique training opportunity on very specific and/or sectoral topics for our clients, the webinars will also serve to further raise EEN’s profile. Our communication team will ensure a live stream of the webinars via the most prominent social media platforms (X, facebook & LinkedIn). So we are hopeful to reach a considerable audience.

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