lowcarbonbrazil-mrt17-3EU-funded International Business Matchmaking Programme between Small and Medium-sized enterprises from Brazil and the EU 28-Member-states. Call is open for the matchmaking mission on Low Carbon Agriculture, in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil in May 1-5, 2017

LCBA has identified the technological routes and business potentials for European small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Brazilian market, both for technology and service providers with the aim to promote joint businesses. Detailed information about technology needs and business opportunities for this mission you can find in the table.


# EU
1 Plant nutrition: Efficient fertilization
2 Animal nutrition: Low emissions animal diet
3 Biotechnology: Artificial insemination and genetic enhancement of livestock and plants
4 Biological nitrogen fixation
5 Planting of forests: in vitro reproduction systems, effective seed production techniques, planting, pest control, etc.
6 Livestock farms: recovery of degraded pastures and integration of crop-livestock-forest
7 Soil conservation: technologies for reforestation and fire detection
8 Machinery industry technologies
9 Precision agriculture: management of the agricultural property
10 Capacity-building in Low-Carbon Agriculture
11 Consultancy: GHG emission inventories, carbon storage, and monitoring tools for sustainable agriculture
12 Geoprocessing: land use change mapping, modeling, software tools and satellite imagery
13 Agricultural productivity monitoring and estimates: modeling and software tools

The matchmaking mission is organized in institutional partnership with Sebrae (Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio à Micro e Pequena Empresa), CNA (Confederação Nacional da Agricultura) in line with the Agrishow 2017 Exhibition http://www.agrishow.com.br/pt in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil.

Note: The travel costs of selected SMEs will be 80% reimbursed bij LCBA program.

Please apply online at: http://www.lowcarbonbrazil.com
Requirement: The selected participants will have to be available in São Paulo-SP (capital) from Sunday April 30.

For more information contact Cristiana Vieira de Souza e Silva or EEN.

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