Donderdag 4 oktober was het zover. De conference en  de  expo van de Cyber Securiy Week was gestart. Voor de derde keer heeft the Hague Security Delta (HSD) samen met haar partners  wederom een zeer gevarieerd interessant programma samengesteld met thema’s als: thread intelligence, cybercrime, artificial intelligence, fraud detection en insider risks.

Meer dan 1500 geïnteresseerden bezochten dit event. Vanuit de KVK verzorgden we een MKB-workshop “Zit uw digitale voordeur wel op slot” en samen met de RVO  ( KVK en zijn  partners van Enterprise Europe Network) organiseerden wij voor deze 2 dagen  de matchmaking “CSWmatch2018” vanuit ons B2match platform.

Internationale samenwerkingen met Enterprise Europe Network

Ruim 140 bedrijven uit 20 landen hadden 330  business opportunities op ons platform geregistreerd.Er hebben uiteindelijk 300 gesprekken plaatsgevonden.  Veel bedrijven waren op zoek naar partners die op basis van business, technology en innovation willen samenwerken om kennis, netwerken en contacten (lees klanten) uit te wisselen!!

Op basis van de feedback kunnen we nu al zeggen dat er 2 samenwerkingen tot stand zijn gekomen en dat veel bedrijven een  follow up hebben gepland.  Het resultaat van de gesprekken zullen we de komende periode  blijven monitoren.

Wat vinden de deelnemers ervan!

The Matchmaking event was well planned and a highly professional way to interact with others whom I have not yet met. I found it valuable to explore potential collaboration with others while not forcing anyone into a commitment; both parties understand that it may turn out to be the last meeting or turn out to be the beginning of a relationship. The meetings are just short enough to achieve the required understanding.

Cyberupt, Charl van der Merwe

“Aexus has been attending the matchmaking events for many years. Also this year we were able to meet some highly relevant companies which are exactly within our sweet spot. Moreover, we are already speaking to several companies about a partnership! For Aexus the CSWmatch2018 was a great success!”

Aexus, Eric Haeken

The CSW18 matchmaking sessions organized by the KVK have brought multiple new connections which have enabled us to reach out to several sectors like the SME and Healthcare in various countries. Also, the sessions presented us with interesting partnership opportunities. All in all, very smooth and professional organization! “

Cybermarqt,  Ivakic Dragan

As SecurewayNL this year was our first to attend the matchmaking event CSWmatch2018. In two days we had the chance to meet around 12 different companies which we can partner up, create momentum and share knowledge. We have already began the follow up communications and got very positive responses. I would like to thank the team of organizers who worked hard to make this event happen. Looking forward to be at CSWmatch2019.

SecurewayNL,  Can Tarakci

Meer vragen over de matchmaking?

Interesse in het Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Neem contact op met Herman Hartgers (KVK) of Bryan Raghoe (
06 46748105

Website CSWMatch 2018:

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